For a healthy creamy alternative, try this Potato Salad with a no-mayo Creamy Potato Salad Dressing OR no-mayo Creamy Lemon Dressing!

I realised it’s been far too long since I shared a potato recipe and had to rectify that immediately. Plus I wanted to share something super simple after doing Biryani on Friday. There’s no doubt that one of the aspects that I love the most about my job is creating the more challenging recipes. The whole process from start to finish – starting with research, developing, testing it over and over again, photographing, filming, editing the video, reading and responding to comments and questions. Let me clarify, “research” involves going to restaurants for taste testing. It’s a tough, tough gig…. BUT! The post taste testing part is actually quite hard work – so I need to share something super simple today to recover! 😂 So today’s recipe is a simple, bright, no-mayo Lemon Potato Salad.


There’s nothing more disappointing than biting into a generous sized piece of potato with any kind of dressing – mayo or non mayo – only to find the inside of the potato tastes of nothing more than unseasoned potato. Solution: Douse your potatoes with dressing while hot. They act as a sponge and suck up all the flavour. It’s SO GOOD you almost don’t need to add any other dressing to it!

NO MAYO POTATO SALADS are in hot demand!

While I have a huge soft spot for the classic Creamy Potato Salad which is in great demand around holiday season, I make this no-mayo Lemon Potato Salad far more often throughout the year. It’s particularly in great demand by my friends, most of whom are anti-mayo for varying reasons. There’s plenty of variations like this No-Mayo Red Potato Salad with Charred Corn and Bacon or my German Potato Salad. Just don’t skip the marinating for both! I promise it’s worth it. ❤️ – Nagi x PS I’ve called it a Lemon Potato Salad, and lemon flavour you shall get. It’s not the juice – that’s just sour. The lemon flavour is in the zest. So if you want a lemon flavoured potato salad, don’t skip the zest!



Back to bounding around free at the park! That’s a smile you see on this face. 🙂 Under instructions for controlled off leash exercise though, so I had to take him somewhere without other dogs to tempt him. So this isn’t actually an off leash park…..

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